How to design....


Using Computer Software and Clay Modeling

  1. Image titled Design a Car Step 12
    Use a paint program to make a 2D drawing, if necessary. You should make a two-dimensional drawing of your car before you move on to making a three-dimensional rendering, just to get a rough sense of what you want your car to look like. If you’ve already made physical sketches of your car, you can skip this step.[12]
    • A program like Windows Paint is perfectly adequate for making a 2D digital drawing of a car, so don’t feel like you have to spend money on a fancier program at this stage.
  2. Image titled Design a Car Step 13
    Create a 3D rendering of your car with a car design program. In a 3D modeling design program, plug in the different proposed measurements of your car’s dimensions to create a visual model of your car. Then, use the program’s more minute design features to shape the car’s details to your design.[13]
    • These measurements include dimensions like height, width, and proposed weight.
    • Use the program’s modeling tools, such as slide tools, insets, grids, meshes, and more, to make changes to the body of your 3D car in order to make it look like the 2D drawings that you’ve made.
    • There are lots of different computer programs out there that designers frequently use to create 3D models of their car designs. Some of the most popular design programs used by automotive designers include Alias, 3Ds Max, and Blender.
  3. Image titled Design a Car Step 14
    Print a model of your car if you have access to a 3D printer. This will give you a physical model of your design that you can use to examine your design "in person" or show it off to someone in the automotive design industry. If you don’t own a 3D printer, you may be able to access one at your local library or university.[14]
  4. Image titled Design a Car Step 15
    Craft a clay model of your car design if you don’t have a 3D printer. Use a knife and a block of Styrofoam to create the general shape of your car on a small scale. Then, use your hands to apply plasticine clay to the Styrofoam block. Finally, smooth out the clay and draw the specific design features of your car using plaster carving tools.[15]
    • Make sure you completely cover the styrofoam block with plasticine clay. The clay will be infinitely easier to manipulate than the Styrofoam.
    • When carving the specific design of your car, remove small layers of clay in the appropriate places in order to create the curved surface of the car, its particular window, windshield, and tire frame designs, and any other design features you added to it.
    • You can buy plasticine clay and plaster carving tools at most art supplies stores.


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